Q drawers Class
Creates an area that behaves like position: fixed in most modern browsers, including ones on touchscreens. Often used for fixed areas that wind up covered by content as it scrolls over the areas.
Q drawers
Array optionalProvide options for this tool
Array optionalArray of strings holding html for drawers
String optionalOptional jQuery selector for handling scrolling
Array optionalInformation for the initial animation
Integer optionalThe index of the drawer to show, either 0 or 1 -
Integer optionalDelay before starting initial animation -
Integer optionalThe duration of the initial animation -
Function optionalThe easing function of the initial animation
Array optionalInformation for the transition animation
Integer optionalThe duration of the transition animation -
Function optionalThe easing function of the transition animation
Function optionalOverride the function that computes the width of the drawers
Function optionalOverride the function that computes the height drawers tool
Array optionalArray of [height0, height1] for drawers that are pinned
Array optionalArray of [html0, html1] for drawers that are pinned
Array optionalArray of [boolean0, boolean1] to indicate which drawer is behind the others
Array optionalArray of [boolean0, boolean1] to indicate whether to scroll to the bottom of a drawer after switching to it
Array optionalOptions for the trigger elements
Integer optionalHow many pixels from the right side of the drawers
Integer optionalNumber of milliseconds for fading in the trigger images
Integer optionalThe z-index of the drawer in the foreground
Array'{{Q}}/img/drawers/down.png']] Array of [src0, src1] for img elements that act as triggers to swap drawers. Set array elements to false to avoid rendering a trigger.
Boolean&& Q.info.isAndroid(1000)]] Whether the drawers should take up the whole screen
IntegerQ.Event()] Occurs right before drawer swap
IntegerQ.Event()] Occurs right after drawer swap